Our Services
Whether your project involves digital fine art printing or photo restoration/reproduction, we have the tools and knowledge to provide you with high quality results and excellent service. Our team can advise you on not only getting it printed but also optimized for the substrate that enhances your vision. You get to choose from dozens of high quality archival papers to the latest in fabrics,metal and even plastics.
Custom Printing
It all begins with your idea. Maybe you have taken an incredible photograph or created a beautiful painting, sketch or multi-media work and want the best possible print of it. Our team of master printers can produce a print on a wide variety of substrates in sizes up to 44” wide by 10ft or more long.
Scanning/ Photographing
Maybe your work of art is not digitized yet. We have ultra high resolution equipment to scan or photograph everything from 36in x 48in. flat art to 35mm transparencies.
Digital Retouching
Photoshop, OnOne, and a multitude of other software programs are used by our team to adjust your images in any way possible. Color correction, sharpening Image manipulation even color abstraction can be done at a very low hourly rate.
Helping Others
In many parts of the world knowledge is free. At DEA we like to share our knowledge with others. Here is the first of many live seminars we have done with B&H for free:
Art Papers Why? https://livestream.com/bheventspace/events/9111632/videos/205668636